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Project detailsn

Client name Rasel Ahmed

Project date 24 December 2016

Project location Dhaka, Bangladesh

At its core, improvisation thrives on the bedrock of carefully crafted improvisational exercises, constituting a diverse and invigorating array of experiences suitable for individuals of all ages. The beauty of this expressive journey lies in its inclusivity, as it demands no prerequisite dance or movement knowledge or training, welcoming participants from all walks of life. In the realm of improvisation, the guidance provided is balanced delicately with the freedom for self-interpretation, fostering an environment that is both structured and open-ended. Within this space, individuals are encouraged to explore the depths of their uniqueness and creativity, making improvisation not merely a physical exercise but a transformative and liberating voyage into the realms of self-expression.


“ Imrpovising is all about human relationship. It is about listening, responsding, connecting, and being generous.”

– Stephen Nachmanovitch